⏱️QuickStart installs the bzero agent

17 October 2022

zli v. 6.11.12


  • zli QuickStart. To support our bzero-ssm-agent to bzero transition, zli quickstart now installs the bzero agent


  • Kubectl copy. Resolved issue with kubectl cp function

bzero v. 7.0.8


  • Github repository. We updated the documentation on our Github repository to provide better information on installing the bzero agent as well as how you can contribute to our project


  • Kubectl copy. Resolved issue with kubectl cp function

Web app & backend


  • Autodiscovery scripts. To support the transition from the bzero-ssm-agent to our bzero agent, both the Bash and Ansible autodiscovery scripts that install the bzero agent are available through our API. The zli and web app will continue to serve the bzero-ssm-agent scripts for the time being

For questions or to give us feedback on how we can make our updates better, reach out to product@bastionzero.com.

Last updated

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