Tab completion in the ZLI
5 October 2022
zli v. 6.11.1
zli v. 6.11.1
Tab completion. Beginning in
zli v. 6.11
, those who run Bash and zsh terminals can take advantage of tabbed command completion. Runzli completion
and the auto-generated script will walk you through how to apply it to your local settings How does tab completion work?Pressing tab will attempt to complete the command or subcommand
If no command exists with the specified prefix, nothing will happen
If there is more than one command with the specified prefix, i.e., you enter
zli log
and hits tab, all options that start withlo
will be presented (zli login
andzli logout
). By continuing to press tab, you will infinitely rotate through the presented options. Press space to select oneIf you enter
zli li
, then it will autocompletezli list-
because both commands have this in common. Then, hitting tab again will listzli list-connections
andzli list-targets
When just
is entered, hitting tab will then show the commands alphabetically and rotate through them as you keep hitting tab
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bzero v. 7.0.0
Control channel robustness. To improve the robustness of agent connections, the control channel was moved into our connection service for future scaling and growth
Web app & backend
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