🌻Changes to bzero's agent types

7 June 2023

zli v. 6.21.1


  • Windows support. Progress towards our native Windows agent continues with this release of the zli. Connecting to an RDP target, agent re-registration, and graceful shutdowns are included


  • Empty zli command. Resolved issue with Windows zli where the zli did not exit cleanly if only zli command was executed

  • zli configure. Resolved issue with executing zli configure

bzero v. 7.11.0

We are very excited for the coming introduction of our native Windows agent. For clarity, this release contains the naming change to our agent types to Linux (formerly Bzero), Kubernetes (formerly Kubernetes Cluster), and Windows.

This name change has no effect on existing agent installation. The existing agent installation processes will remain the same and continue to be available as Bzero through Linux package managers, Helm, and YAML via Docker Hub.


  • Windows support. Progress towards our native Windows agent continues with this release of the bzero agent. RDP support, agent re-registration, and graceful shutdowns are included

Web app & backend


  • Windows support. This release of the web app and backend supports the progress towards our native Windows agent


  • Target user added to connection event logs. To support the auditability of SplitCert and PWDB connections, the target user specified for SplitCert and PWDB connections has been added to the connection event logs


  • Spaces API. Spaces is no longer a supported feature and its corresponding API endpoints will now appear as deprecated in the API reference guide

BastionZero GO SDK


  • Full API support. The GO SDK supports all BastionZero API endpoints as outlined in our API reference manual

For questions or to provide feedback on how we can improve our updates, reach out to product@bastionzero.com.

Last updated

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